Seven Sisters
Seven Sisters
An illuminated processional spectacle on Coney Island between the waters of Rosses Point and the shifting sands of Cummeen Strand.
9:00pm | Fri 3rd September
Event Details
Time & Date:
9:00pm | Fri 3rd September
60 - 70 minutes
Event Categories:
Live Event | Outdoor
1 x Bicycle Ticket €8 + booking fees
1 x Car Pass up to 4 people €30 + booking fees
1 x Car Pass up to 6 people €45 + booking fees
Coney Island.
Landscape theatre professionals LUXE have created The Seven Sisters - an elemental, illuminated, itinerant spectacle which will take place on Coney Island, between the waters of Rosses Point and the shifting sands of Cummeen Strand.
Inspired by metaphysical tales of Irish sea voyages & celestial navigation the show draws on the diverse myths of the Pleiades (An Streoillín) and their resemblance to a flight of birds. It is a journey of the soul and of the Seven Sisters, travelling between worlds like migrating swans
LUXE embrace the elemental landscape of the Atlantic Coast to make their unique and journeying works of landscape theatre. Immersing audiences in story streams, unveiling illuminated images in the half light, opening windows into worlds of the imagination. Bringing fire to a place where the land the sea and the sky all meet.
A unique Cairde Sligo Arts Festival commission, funded by The Arts Council of Ireland, with additional support from Creative Sligo and Sligo Arts Service, this new, illuminated, processional work by LUXE will take place on Coney Island. Tickets are available for an individual bike or as a car pass for up to 4 or 6 people and we will be directing people to drive/cycle directly on to Coney Island. Access to the strand is from 8.25pm and will close at 8.55pm. Please arrive early, to make sure we can start the event on time.
This an outdoor event for up to 200 people which involves walking – at times across uneven terrain. This event is not suitable for dogs so in light of animal welfare, please leave your hound at home. Pushchairs are not suitable so if bringing children please make sure they are on foot – or on shoulders. Patrons are asked to dress for the weather and to take note of all guidelines which will be sent upon booking a ticket. Please contact Cairde Sligo Arts Festival in advance if you have special needs or limited mobility.
Seven Sisters will feature original work from commissioned writer Annemarie Ní Churreáin. This aspect of the project is taking place in conjunction with The Lighthouse Project, a nationwide project of arts events responding to lighthouses and their locations, which is being organised by curator and writer Dani Gill. Aspects of the Seven Sisters event will be filmed by visual artist Laura Sheeran; the results of this work will feature the full commissioned work by Annemarie Ní Churreáin and will be shared at a later date by The Lighthouse Project and Cairde Sligo Arts Festival.
This part of the project has been supported by The Western Development Commission through Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme Spot-lit Project.