
Cairde Festival LTD is the registered trading name of Cairde Sligo Arts Festival.

Cairde Festival Ltd is a registered charity – CHY 18249. 

Cairde Festival Ltd keeps detailed financial records, maintains strict financial controls and is transparent in its audited financial statements. The most recent statement of audited accounts (2016) are available through the Charity Regulatory Authority here. Cairde Festival accounts are compliant with the Statement of Recommended Practice for charities and not-for profit entities as (SORP), which is currently accepted as best practice in Ireland. The organisation complies with all regulatory requirements and operates in accordance with its memorandum of association.

We are committed to good governance and have embarked on the journey of compliance with The Governance Code.

Cairde Festival Ltd is committed to comply with The Principles of Good Fundraising and to achieving the standards contained within the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising in order to ensure full transparency to all our donors.
